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Tenga 3D è l'ultima, innovativa linea di masturbatori per uomo firmata Tenga, il brand giapponese leader indiscusso nella produzione di masturbatori maschili.

Si tratta di masturbatori di ultimissima generazione, dal design impeccabile ed elegante. L'utilizzo dei Tenga 3D è semplicissimo: basta rivoltarli, proprio come se fossero dei calzini, in modo tale che la loro particolare texture passi dalla parte interna. I Tenga 3D sono prodotti in elastomero antibatterico di alta qualità e sono dotati di lubrificante Tenga Hole Lotion Real da 7ml.
Ma come funzionano i Tenga 3D? Vediamolo nel dettaglio.

  • Prendete il vostro Tenga 3D e rivoltatelo;
  • Prendete il lubrificante e cospargete l'interno del masturbatore;
  • Impugnate il vostro masturbatore per uomo, inserite il pene all'interno e iniziate a muovere il vostro masturbatore secondo la pressione e la direzione che più vi piace.

Tenga 3D sono disponibili in 5 modelli diversi per texture e stimolazione, uguali per dimensione e materiale.

Tenga 3D Spiral: è il Tenga 3 D con la texture a forma di spirale. Grazie alle sue proprietà elastiche sarete loiberi di muoverlo liberamente su e giù, di allungarlo, di stringerlo nella vostra mano per ricreare la stimolazione che più aggrata i vostri sensi.

Tenga 3D Module: è il Tenga dalla trama caratterizzata da blocchi in rilievo, una sorta di scacchiera che vi intrappolerà in un piacere irresistibile.

Tenga 3D Zen: è il Tenga 3D dalla texture interna fatta di curve e nervature ultrasottili e morbide per un tocco delicato e irresistibile.

Tenga 3D Pile: ha una texture caratterizzata da più di 100 triangoli sopraelevati, molto vicini tra loro alla base e sempre più distanti lungo tutto il corpo interno del masturbatore per sensazioni di piacere tra le più soddisfacenti.

Tenga 3D Polygon: ha una texture irregolare fatta di poligoni concavi e convessi.

I Tenga 3D sono stati progettati per essere utilizzati più volte: alla fine di ogni utilizzo, lavate con cura il vostro masturbatore per uomo e riponetelo nella sua custodia.
Vi consigliamo di usare il vostro Tenga 3D con un lubrificante a base acquosa.




An escalating form of elation. Gently stacked triangular protrusions form its structure. With tightly packed triangles bearing a soft sensation at the base and a distinct rippling stimulus as they space out at the tip. The varying sensations brought around by this gradient of stimulation harmonizes both soft and hard sensations.
Internal details within devices of the past have only ever held the purpose of providing stimulation.
With the process of reversing, washing and drying, however, the exposed internal details are also in fact the external design.
The instant this perspective is realized, the fusion of stimulating textures and structural beauty becomes the ideal in the pursuit of the pinnacle of masturbation.
TENGA 3D Reversal of convention - sculpted ecstasy.
Dimensions (case included): 72,6(W) x 72,6(D) x 156,5(H) mm 


A gliding form of satisfaction. Multiple randomly constructed triangles embellish its surface. Discover the firm constriction and accentuated stimulus that is hidden within the slippery glide of the polygonal faces and unexpectedly strong edges for a transcendental experience you have never felt before.
Internal details within devices of the past have only ever held the purpose of providing stimulation.
With the process of reversing, washing and drying, however, the exposed internal details are also in fact the external design.
The instant this perspective is realized, the fusion of stimulating textures and structural beauty becomes the ideal in the pursuit of the pinnacle of masturbation.
TENGA 3D Reversal of convention - sculpted ecstasy.
Dimensions (case included): 72,6(W) x 72,6(D) x 156,5(H) mm 


A soothing form of relief. Fine ribs are engraved around its surface. The delicate flows that climb these walls combine to create an intertwining sensation. Envelop yourself with this smooth stroking stimulus. A must-have for those who seek a gentle sensation.
Internal details within devices of the past have only ever held the purpose of providing stimulation.
With the process of reversing, washing and drying, however, the exposed internal details are also in fact the external design.
The instant this perspective is realized, the fusion of stimulating textures and structural beauty becomes the ideal in the pursuit of the pinnacle of masturbation.
TENGA 3D Reversal of convention - sculpted ecstasy.
Dimensions (case included): 72,6(W) x 72,6(D) x 156,5(H) mm 


A clinging form of euphoria. Randomly elevated blocks adorn the walls of this object. The protruding blocks rub along you for a firm sensation, while the receded blocks cling onto you accentuating the tone. The blocks cascade in a contrasting flurry of stimulation providing a strong sensation with a solid finish.
Internal details within devices of the past have only ever held the purpose of providing stimulation.
With the process of reversing, washing and drying, however, the exposed internal details are also in fact the external design.
The instant this perspective is realized, the fusion of stimulating textures and structural beauty becomes the ideal in the pursuit of the pinnacle of masturbation.
TENGA 3D Reversal of convention - sculpted ecstasy.
Dimensions (case included): 72,6(W) x 72,6(D) x 156,5(H) mm 


A winding form of release. A form created from winding hexagonal plates. Both the varying sensations of the spiral form and the detailed ribs of each step of the walls combine to provide two separate stimuli catering to those adherent to both hard and soft sensations.
Internal details within devices of the past have only ever held the purpose of providing stimulation.
With the process of reversing, washing and drying, however, the exposed internal details are also in fact the external design.
The instant this perspective is realized, the fusion of stimulating textures and structural beauty becomes the ideal in the pursuit of the pinnacle of masturbation.
TENGA 3D Reversal of convention - sculpted ecstasy.
Dimensions (case included): 72,6(W) x 72,6(D) x 156,5(H) mm 


46,00 € Precio
32,20 €Precio de oferta

    © 2017 by CDC. s.r.l. (Viola Murmure) - Strada Valenza, 4/O - 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL) - P.IVA: 02529820066 - REA n. T 233537830 - 

    Alessandria - Piemonte - Italia

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    Benessere sessuale, consulenti, sex toys, cosmetica erotica, salute sessuale, coppetta mestruale, palline geisha, assorbenti riutilizzab, Viola Murmure

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